Training Facilities, South Africa, Province of the Western Cape, Cape Town

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Business Name
57 Hout St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town
South Africa
Province of the Western Cape
Cape Town
ZIP code
Additional Information


  • Friendly & professional staff
  • First time shooter training, beginners course, taking a novice shooter and making them a professional shooter
  • Proficiency course - you bought a firearm, now do the training
  • Advanced shooting
  • Ladies self defense 

Beginners Course For The First Time Shooter

This course is designed for the person who wants to learn how to shoot, who is not going to apply for competency, is too young to apply for competency, wants to participate in shooting sports with a partner or parent or simply wants to be safe around firearms.

The course will include the following: 

Basic safety including, Safety Rules, Range Rules, Making a firearm safe, Gun Handling Basics:

  • Grip
  • Stance
  • Breathing
  • Sight alignment
  • Trigger Control

Practical shoot. 50 rounds of ammunition.

Proficiency Required by Law in order to apply for a Firearm license.

The following courses will be available to our clients:

  1. Act 60 of 2000 Firearm control act
  2. Handle and use of a manually operated rifle
  3. Handle and use of a semi. auto rifle/carbine
  4. Handle and use of a shot gun
  5. Handle and use of a Handgun

The same courses will be offered for business purposes as is required by all security personnel and other persons who may use or be issued with a firearm during the course of their duties.

The Courses are all accredited by S.A.S.S.E.T.A and the S.A.Police.

Courses will consist of homework (study guides and questionnaire) a short exam, and a practical shoot

 Advanced Shooting

Courses may be tailored to meet the client’s individual needs but will include the following only after the client has proved that they have mastered the basics as described in the Beginners course.

  1. Point shooting - Using your body to index your weapon.
  2. Holster work - Drawing the firearm from under an outer garment.
  3. The reload.
  4. Getting off the "x"
  5. Using cover - Barricades.
  6. Torch work. 

Ladies Self Defense. Be Aware, Be Alert, Be alive.

This Course consists of a lecture on being aware of your surroundings and alert to what is going on around you and the self defense options available to the female target.

The options include the use of, Pepper spray, Edged weapons, Improvised weapons and fire arms.

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