
UBERTI Colt replica .44 blackpowder revolver, Safe Queen Uberti .44 blackpowder revolver, complete package including revolver, italian powder flasc measurer, custom leather old school holster, 90x lead balls, some moose milk,  tool, some grease.
1858 pietta (remington) revolver, Selling my 1858 black powder stainless steel revovler with homemade wooden box. I had it for 12 years now and It is like brand new and only fired twice. Kept it oiled and stored in safe. The revolver comes with +/-20 conical bullets, a few paper cartridges, 2 pots of percussion caps and a spare revolver which you can preload and change on the spot at the shooting range.
Please feel free to call me
Black Powder Cannon , 36 cal. black powder cannon. Comes with powder measure. Full steel frame with thick brass barrel. 250 mm long, 110 mm wide, 85 mm high and weighs 1.5 kg. fun to shoot and actually rolls back on its wheels from the recoil or to have as a fancy desk ornament. Can not be fired in your back garden as it is a small calibre muzzle loader.
BROKEN Navy Rewolwer, Shot it about 20 times in the beginning of the year then we ran out of gun oil and gun cleaning oil. The rewolwer broke and was used as a display piece above my braai. So if you fix black powder guns or know a guy go ahead.
price is neg
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