Target Pistols

Target Pistol Zoraki HP-01 .177 , Zoracki HP-01 light.177 

- upgraded higher vis front and rear sight to help with my eye injury, but sadly my eye is struggling to focus on such precise small sights. Perfect condition. Polished trigger assembly. Includes case. Using JSB Diabolo 8.44gr, 1 pump = 400 fps, 2 pumps = 490fps, 3 pumps = 580 fps

Perfect for plinking, small varminting/ratting, teaching kids to shoot and practising handgun handling skills. Perfect starter pistol to get into 10m pistol shooting, extremely accurate at 5m and 10m

Can be collected from house, offices or couriered at buyers expense. No meetings at dodgy places. 
Colt Government Series 70, Selling a custom Colt Government Series 70 .4ACP

Hardchrome finish
Bull, selfcentering, cone barrel. Custom fitted by Rescomp. Built and accurised by Rescomp
Ambidextrious Ed Brown safety
Ed Brown extended speed bump beavertail.
Custom high visibility sights. Front sight is luminous green.
Stippled Magpul grips with built in flared magazine well
Comes with 4 mags.
Safe queen, never been used for competition but highly accurate.
Advertising for a friend as he does not have access to the site. Can be contacted directly  060-817-5012 Mike Butler
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